Monday, September 14 - Guest Marilyn Milos
September 14 Our guest was Marilyn Milos, RN.
In 1985, Marilyn founded and is the director of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC) and she is the organizer of the International Symposia on Circumcision, Genital Integrity, and Human Rights (there have been ten symposia, she is working on the 11th now). She is co-editor of six symposia books and is editing the seventh book now.NO CIRC is the first organization in the US to address the circumcision issue shares her experience of starting NO CIRC and her most current concern: " the agenda by white North Americans to push circumcision in Africa to prevent AIDS, a strategy that is sure to fail--but how many will suffer and/or die in the meantime--not from AIDS but from circumcision?"
"If you have been abused it is a hard thing for you to have a lot of compassion for yourself but if you can, think about the poor defenseless children who are going to come after you who could have a chance at happiness if you are able to face your own trauma. And face it realistically so we don't have to keep doing this. The reason we keep doing this is that we are trying to justify our pain." --Veronica Monet
Discussing the Canadian researcher who hooked up babies and monitored their brains while being circumcised to learn the tragic impact on babies, and who was forced to destroy the research, accused of inappropriate research on babies, Jody McLaughlin, Publisher, "Compleat Mother" told me (Janel): someone should hook up the people who are DOING the circumcision, the adult, the doctor, and see what their brains are doing. Better yet, she added, they could use that equipment they use to research erections and monitor their physiological, sexual response to mutilating a helpless baby. Brilliant, she is so brilliant. Any researchers want to take it on? Any adult doctors WILLING to mutilate baby boys for no good reason willing to be the subjects? Should we give them a choice? Should THEY have a choice while baby boys don't?
Translation of Italian Video
Thank you, Francesca Geppert.
2. Early clumping stops abruptly natural placental transfusion, and into placenta remains from 30 to 50% of blood for the child.
3. Umbilical cord, after birth too, remainss an exchange channel between mother and child, bringing nourishment and oxygen to the newborn, removing its waste products,until his body will be not able to breathe effectively and to receive oxygen by langs and no more from ombilical arteries.
4. Umbilical cord and stem cells must be leave to the owner!!!!
5.If umbilical cord has cutted before timely, baby will be founded, suddenly, without oxygen and he will live a distressing experience of suffocation ( with the risk of brain damage by anoxia).
6. Reflection is that baby will be forced to inhale much air that, in contact with his mucosal, will causes a terrible burning, like a scalding.
7. late cut of ombilical cord or no cut is the physiological process
8. Immediate cut (early) is an invasive procedure which must be justified; in natural childbirth isn't justified. (O.M.S. Health organization world) - 1985
9. These recommendations of O.M.S even if, are entered in Midwifery story like "Scientific evidence" are not accept and apply in departments of obstetrics
10. Caution! because just where we least expect it, there are civilized barbarians, which we don't entrust our children.
11. There's no need to cut ombilical cord
12. Most simple thing to do is NOT TO DO
Finally they suggest the natural detachment of ombilical cord.
I made my best to give you a good translation, could you forgive me if it will result not perfect.
God bless you
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