Film introduces revolutionary new discoveries from leading universities & research centers
War on Circumcision
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Peter Breggin interview online
You can find the interview with dissident psychiatrist (one of many) Peter Breggin online here:
transcript is here:
Breggin's page on shock treatment is here:
transcript is here:
Breggin's page on shock treatment is here:
Monday, July 19, 2010
July 19 notes
A few weeks ago on thought crime radio I interviewed Jane Graham,
a survivor of the bombing of the murrah federal building in oklahoma
city in 1995. I played a collection of local OKC tv news bulletins
from that day which clearly showed that at least 3 military-grade
bombs had been placed in the basement of the building, two of which
were duds later removed by the police under the gaze of the local
tv news cameras and broadcast for all to see. In other words,
Timothy McVeigh's fertilizer truck bomb was a decoy for the real
explosives which destroyed the building. Jane pointed out that she
had seen 3 strangers in the parking garage with bricks of black
putty and wire, pointing to locations within the garage and referring
to something which Jane called "plans". Unfortunately I was running
around the studio trying to fix a phone problem and missed an
opportunity to elucidate what she meant by the word plans, but in
other interviews which you can find on if you
search for "jane graham" you can find that she's talking about
You can also see the tv news broadcasts for
yourself by going to and searching for the 3 words
"okc bombing rare". It should also be noted that Danny Coulson,
a former high level official at the FBI called for a grand jury
investigation in 2007, stating that there were "very strong indicators"
that other people were involved.
While you're at it you can search for "WTC
bombing rare" and listen to dan rather report that the explosives
used in the world trade center bombing in 1993, which killed 6
people, were supplied by an FBI informant at the specific direction
of his FBI handler, over the informant's own objections.
In other words the OKC bombing, which murdered 168 innocents,
including 19 children under the age of 6, and the WTC bombing, which
killed 6 people, were false flag operations which helped push through
clinton's "anti-terrorism and effective death penalty act" and
ushered in the bright shiny new replacement for the cold war: the
war on terror, of which 9/11 is the centerpiece.
Interestingly, a number of high level government officials have openly
proclaimed the usefulness of a new terrorist attack in propping up
public support for sitting presidents, including both bush and obama
in recent years. Most recently robert shapiro, a former clinton
commerce dept undersecretary, last week told the financial times
"The bottom line here is that Americans don't believe in President
Obama's leadership," said Shapiro, adding, "He has to find some way
between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who
can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma
City bombing, I can't think of how he could do that."
google robert shapiro bottom line
Likewise Zbigiew Brzenski gave testimony to the senate foreign
relations committe in 2007, outlining what amounts to a public
relations strategy for mounting a military assault on iran by
blaming US failures in iraq on iranian interference. He stated:
"a plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran."
would involve "Iraqi failure to meet the benchmarks, followed
by accusations of Iranian responsibility for the failure, then by
some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the US blamed on
Iran, culminating in a `defensive' US military action against Iran
that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and deepening quagmire
eventually ranging across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan."
The original site with this pdf document has been taken
down, but you can still find it on I'll put the link
in the blog.
In other news, recently declassified documents show that by 1968,
the senate foreign relations committee knew that the tonkin gulf
incident, which started the money laundering operation known as the
vietnam war, had probably never actually happened and was a fabrication
of US intelligence agencies. Of course now we know that the specific
attack which led to the deaths of 58,000 american soldiers and over
3 million vietnamese soldiers and civilians, never actually happened.
google "aftergood senate tonkin declassified"
google "NSA Releases History of American SIGINT"
Just to put all this in a more contemporary context:
The united states is currently wasting vast amounts of money,
manpower and resources on a questionable, unwinnable and already
failed war on drugs, which has decimated our families and communities
and financed the rise of organized crime and government corruption,
all in the context of repeated revelations that US federal agencies
have been involved in cocaine and heroin smuggling for years. The
war on drugs amounts to a war on the people of the united states,
a domestic destablisation campaign which simultaneously raises money
for covert operations while selectively decimating those communities
traditionally targetted by eugenicists. Eugenics is alive and well
in this world, and it uses wealth as a proxy for genetic fitness.
We are waging an endless war on iraq based on forged yellowcake
uranium documents and bush administration lies about WMD's.
Why are we still there?
We are engaged in remote controlled mass murder in afghanistan
based on the 9/11 deception which murdered 3,000 people, which the
pentagon rank and file now know was a false flag operation, according
to Alan Sabrosky, the former director of strategic studies at the
US army war college. Why are we not prosecuting the traitors and
foreign intelligence agents who committed this act?
google september eleventh revisited v.2
google 9/11 press for truth
google terror storm
And soon we will be throwing away the lives of young and patriotic
but misinformed american soldiers in a pointless war on iran which
is based in part on documents which US intelligence analysts have
already determined to be forgeries from a foreign government.
google Intelligence Found Iran Nuke Document Was Forged
Obviously if the people of the united states are to salvage a
shred of their tattered dignity or constitutionally mandated
civil rights from the psychopathocrats, what we really
need is a war on high-level treason in this country. And we can
start by demanding that congress protect whistleblowers such as
thomas drake, who did his patriotic duty by exposing treasonous
government spying without warrants on constitutionally protected
american citizens. Congress need only subpeona drake to testify
in open session, which would simultaneously reveal the truth to the
people, confer immunity on drake, and open the door to the prosecution
of the criminals who allowed it.
The treason is happening every day right under our very noses and
financed by our own tax dollars. Given that all of these wars are
based on lies, and that they will all end in pointless tragedy,
failure, massively increased public debt and a loss of national
and economic security, it follows that all of these wars are in
themselves treasonous and are being pursued for treasonous ends.
Think about it: If the consequences of an action are known, then
the intent of that action is revealed by those known consequences.
It's naive in the extreme to think that the sexually mutilated and
emotionally castrated psychopaths who have controlled US foreign
policy for decades, who have honed their criminality in countless
coups, massacres and torture sessions in the 3rd world, could
possibly forego the temptation of applying their skills in the
united states. It would be a grave mistake to think that these
people are delusional superpatriots. They are traitors. They have
a history of treason dating back to hitler and before. They control
our monetary system via the federal reserve act. And their intent
is revealed by the predictable consequences of exporting our jobs
abroad and destroying the dollar. We are now living through the
shock doctrine, people. And it was all bought and paid for by a ponzi
google male circumcision in the usa
google white house coup
google bush grandfather hitler
google web of debt
on money masters
on secret of oz
It's time to start acting like adults, as though we
actually care about our children's future. There's at least one
difficult but not impossible way out: boycott federal reserve notes.
Create local currencies or forego currencies altogether. Get to
know your neighbors. Support our local farmers, we're going to
need them. And support the proposed american monetary act at We are being enslaved by fear, created by the
terrorist network which has infiltrated the federal government.
And by the way if you value the access to information that the
internet provides to real journalists, you'd better start paying
attention to the impending assaults on internet freedom which are
being mounted by the same interests which have already done so much
to destroy this country and its founding legal framework.
Go to
Ongoing eugenics campaigns under color of medicine:
a survivor of the bombing of the murrah federal building in oklahoma
city in 1995. I played a collection of local OKC tv news bulletins
from that day which clearly showed that at least 3 military-grade
bombs had been placed in the basement of the building, two of which
were duds later removed by the police under the gaze of the local
tv news cameras and broadcast for all to see. In other words,
Timothy McVeigh's fertilizer truck bomb was a decoy for the real
explosives which destroyed the building. Jane pointed out that she
had seen 3 strangers in the parking garage with bricks of black
putty and wire, pointing to locations within the garage and referring
to something which Jane called "plans". Unfortunately I was running
around the studio trying to fix a phone problem and missed an
opportunity to elucidate what she meant by the word plans, but in
other interviews which you can find on if you
search for "jane graham" you can find that she's talking about
You can also see the tv news broadcasts for
yourself by going to and searching for the 3 words
"okc bombing rare". It should also be noted that Danny Coulson,
a former high level official at the FBI called for a grand jury
investigation in 2007, stating that there were "very strong indicators"
that other people were involved.
While you're at it you can search for "WTC
bombing rare" and listen to dan rather report that the explosives
used in the world trade center bombing in 1993, which killed 6
people, were supplied by an FBI informant at the specific direction
of his FBI handler, over the informant's own objections.
In other words the OKC bombing, which murdered 168 innocents,
including 19 children under the age of 6, and the WTC bombing, which
killed 6 people, were false flag operations which helped push through
clinton's "anti-terrorism and effective death penalty act" and
ushered in the bright shiny new replacement for the cold war: the
war on terror, of which 9/11 is the centerpiece.
Interestingly, a number of high level government officials have openly
proclaimed the usefulness of a new terrorist attack in propping up
public support for sitting presidents, including both bush and obama
in recent years. Most recently robert shapiro, a former clinton
commerce dept undersecretary, last week told the financial times
"The bottom line here is that Americans don't believe in President
Obama's leadership," said Shapiro, adding, "He has to find some way
between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who
can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma
City bombing, I can't think of how he could do that."
google robert shapiro bottom line
Likewise Zbigiew Brzenski gave testimony to the senate foreign
relations committe in 2007, outlining what amounts to a public
relations strategy for mounting a military assault on iran by
blaming US failures in iraq on iranian interference. He stated:
"a plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran."
would involve "Iraqi failure to meet the benchmarks, followed
by accusations of Iranian responsibility for the failure, then by
some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the US blamed on
Iran, culminating in a `defensive' US military action against Iran
that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and deepening quagmire
eventually ranging across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan."
The original site with this pdf document has been taken
down, but you can still find it on I'll put the link
in the blog.
In other news, recently declassified documents show that by 1968,
the senate foreign relations committee knew that the tonkin gulf
incident, which started the money laundering operation known as the
vietnam war, had probably never actually happened and was a fabrication
of US intelligence agencies. Of course now we know that the specific
attack which led to the deaths of 58,000 american soldiers and over
3 million vietnamese soldiers and civilians, never actually happened.
google "aftergood senate tonkin declassified"
google "NSA Releases History of American SIGINT"
Just to put all this in a more contemporary context:
The united states is currently wasting vast amounts of money,
manpower and resources on a questionable, unwinnable and already
failed war on drugs, which has decimated our families and communities
and financed the rise of organized crime and government corruption,
all in the context of repeated revelations that US federal agencies
have been involved in cocaine and heroin smuggling for years. The
war on drugs amounts to a war on the people of the united states,
a domestic destablisation campaign which simultaneously raises money
for covert operations while selectively decimating those communities
traditionally targetted by eugenicists. Eugenics is alive and well
in this world, and it uses wealth as a proxy for genetic fitness.
We are waging an endless war on iraq based on forged yellowcake
uranium documents and bush administration lies about WMD's.
Why are we still there?
We are engaged in remote controlled mass murder in afghanistan
based on the 9/11 deception which murdered 3,000 people, which the
pentagon rank and file now know was a false flag operation, according
to Alan Sabrosky, the former director of strategic studies at the
US army war college. Why are we not prosecuting the traitors and
foreign intelligence agents who committed this act?
google september eleventh revisited v.2
google 9/11 press for truth
google terror storm
And soon we will be throwing away the lives of young and patriotic
but misinformed american soldiers in a pointless war on iran which
is based in part on documents which US intelligence analysts have
already determined to be forgeries from a foreign government.
google Intelligence Found Iran Nuke Document Was Forged
Obviously if the people of the united states are to salvage a
shred of their tattered dignity or constitutionally mandated
civil rights from the psychopathocrats, what we really
need is a war on high-level treason in this country. And we can
start by demanding that congress protect whistleblowers such as
thomas drake, who did his patriotic duty by exposing treasonous
government spying without warrants on constitutionally protected
american citizens. Congress need only subpeona drake to testify
in open session, which would simultaneously reveal the truth to the
people, confer immunity on drake, and open the door to the prosecution
of the criminals who allowed it.
The treason is happening every day right under our very noses and
financed by our own tax dollars. Given that all of these wars are
based on lies, and that they will all end in pointless tragedy,
failure, massively increased public debt and a loss of national
and economic security, it follows that all of these wars are in
themselves treasonous and are being pursued for treasonous ends.
Think about it: If the consequences of an action are known, then
the intent of that action is revealed by those known consequences.
It's naive in the extreme to think that the sexually mutilated and
emotionally castrated psychopaths who have controlled US foreign
policy for decades, who have honed their criminality in countless
coups, massacres and torture sessions in the 3rd world, could
possibly forego the temptation of applying their skills in the
united states. It would be a grave mistake to think that these
people are delusional superpatriots. They are traitors. They have
a history of treason dating back to hitler and before. They control
our monetary system via the federal reserve act. And their intent
is revealed by the predictable consequences of exporting our jobs
abroad and destroying the dollar. We are now living through the
shock doctrine, people. And it was all bought and paid for by a ponzi
google male circumcision in the usa
google white house coup
google bush grandfather hitler
google web of debt
on money masters
on secret of oz
It's time to start acting like adults, as though we
actually care about our children's future. There's at least one
difficult but not impossible way out: boycott federal reserve notes.
Create local currencies or forego currencies altogether. Get to
know your neighbors. Support our local farmers, we're going to
need them. And support the proposed american monetary act at We are being enslaved by fear, created by the
terrorist network which has infiltrated the federal government.
And by the way if you value the access to information that the
internet provides to real journalists, you'd better start paying
attention to the impending assaults on internet freedom which are
being mounted by the same interests which have already done so much
to destroy this country and its founding legal framework.
Go to
Ongoing eugenics campaigns under color of medicine:
July 12 notes
canada obama bans pictures bp oil spill
censored gulf evacuation news
How Goldman gambled on starvation
20 people arrested at the G20 tell of inhumane treatment at the hands of police
gen richard myers promotion
andrews vs langley
google: bush grandfather hitler
google: white house coup
google: buzzy krongard options
google: sec 9/11 options trades
google: mckinney rumsfeld
canada obama bans pictures bp oil spill
censored gulf evacuation news
How Goldman gambled on starvation
20 people arrested at the G20 tell of inhumane treatment at the hands of police
gen richard myers promotion
andrews vs langley
google: bush grandfather hitler
google: white house coup
google: buzzy krongard options
google: sec 9/11 options trades
google: mckinney rumsfeld
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Cut vs Uncut

A Woman Speaks about Being Circumcised as a Woman
Circumcision Played on the air August 31
James W Prescott, PhD, Developmental Neuropsychologist
- Video: Rock A Bye Baby
- Origins of Peace and Violence. Deprivation of Physical Affection as a Main Cause of Depression, Aggression and Drug Abuse - website of Prescott's work
- Touch the Future website featuring Prescott's work
- How Culture Shapes the Developing Brain & the Future of Humanity. Research linking brain abnormalites and violence to an absence of nuturing and bonding very early in childhood
"If you have been abused it is a hard thing for you to have a lot of compassion for yourself but if you can, think about the poor defenseless children who are going to come after you who could have a chance at happiness if you are able to face your own trauma. And face it realistically so we don't have to keep doing this. The reason we keep doing this is that we are trying to justify our pain." --Veronica Monet
Discussing the Canadian researcher who hooked up babies and monitored their brains while being circumcised to learn the tragic impact on babies, and who was forced to destroy the research, accused of inappropriate research on babies, Jody McLaughlin, Publisher, "Compleat Mother" told me (Janel): someone should hook up the people who are DOING the circumcision, the adult, the doctor, and see what their brains are doing. Better yet, she added, they could use that equipment they use to research erections and monitor their physiological, sexual response to mutilating a helpless baby. Brilliant, she is so brilliant. Any researchers want to take it on? Any adult doctors WILLING to mutilate baby boys for no good reason willing to be the subjects? Should we give them a choice? Should THEY have a choice while baby boys don't?
Discussing the Canadian researcher who hooked up babies and monitored their brains while being circumcised to learn the tragic impact on babies, and who was forced to destroy the research, accused of inappropriate research on babies, Jody McLaughlin, Publisher, "Compleat Mother" told me (Janel): someone should hook up the people who are DOING the circumcision, the adult, the doctor, and see what their brains are doing. Better yet, she added, they could use that equipment they use to research erections and monitor their physiological, sexual response to mutilating a helpless baby. Brilliant, she is so brilliant. Any researchers want to take it on? Any adult doctors WILLING to mutilate baby boys for no good reason willing to be the subjects? Should we give them a choice? Should THEY have a choice while baby boys don't?
Leave the Cord and Placenta Intact -- Stop cutting!!
"Caution! because just where we least expect it, there are civilized barbarians, which we don't entrust our children." Listen to podcast of Lynn Reed about the many ways American doctors cut women and babies (boys and girls).
Follow Janel's film, "The Other Side of the Glass" on Facebook
The Other Side of the Glass on Facebook
Translation of Italian Video
Thank you, Francesca Geppert.
2. Early clumping stops abruptly natural placental transfusion, and into placenta remains from 30 to 50% of blood for the child.
3. Umbilical cord, after birth too, remainss an exchange channel between mother and child, bringing nourishment and oxygen to the newborn, removing its waste products,until his body will be not able to breathe effectively and to receive oxygen by langs and no more from ombilical arteries.
4. Umbilical cord and stem cells must be leave to the owner!!!!
5.If umbilical cord has cutted before timely, baby will be founded, suddenly, without oxygen and he will live a distressing experience of suffocation ( with the risk of brain damage by anoxia).
6. Reflection is that baby will be forced to inhale much air that, in contact with his mucosal, will causes a terrible burning, like a scalding.
7. late cut of ombilical cord or no cut is the physiological process
8. Immediate cut (early) is an invasive procedure which must be justified; in natural childbirth isn't justified. (O.M.S. Health organization world) - 1985
9. These recommendations of O.M.S even if, are entered in Midwifery story like "Scientific evidence" are not accept and apply in departments of obstetrics
10. Caution! because just where we least expect it, there are civilized barbarians, which we don't entrust our children.
11. There's no need to cut ombilical cord
12. Most simple thing to do is NOT TO DO
Finally they suggest the natural detachment of ombilical cord.
I made my best to give you a good translation, could you forgive me if it will result not perfect.
God bless you
2. Early clumping stops abruptly natural placental transfusion, and into placenta remains from 30 to 50% of blood for the child.
3. Umbilical cord, after birth too, remainss an exchange channel between mother and child, bringing nourishment and oxygen to the newborn, removing its waste products,until his body will be not able to breathe effectively and to receive oxygen by langs and no more from ombilical arteries.
4. Umbilical cord and stem cells must be leave to the owner!!!!
5.If umbilical cord has cutted before timely, baby will be founded, suddenly, without oxygen and he will live a distressing experience of suffocation ( with the risk of brain damage by anoxia).
6. Reflection is that baby will be forced to inhale much air that, in contact with his mucosal, will causes a terrible burning, like a scalding.
7. late cut of ombilical cord or no cut is the physiological process
8. Immediate cut (early) is an invasive procedure which must be justified; in natural childbirth isn't justified. (O.M.S. Health organization world) - 1985
9. These recommendations of O.M.S even if, are entered in Midwifery story like "Scientific evidence" are not accept and apply in departments of obstetrics
10. Caution! because just where we least expect it, there are civilized barbarians, which we don't entrust our children.
11. There's no need to cut ombilical cord
12. Most simple thing to do is NOT TO DO
Finally they suggest the natural detachment of ombilical cord.
I made my best to give you a good translation, could you forgive me if it will result not perfect.
God bless you